Sunday, September 5, 2010

Two steps forward and one step back...

I try to stay positive about everything regarding Jack, but some days I just break down and want to cry. I had such a day yesterday, our youngest child Joey LOVES animals and going to the zoo. For two weeks he had asked us about taking a trip to the zoo. Finally I told him yes, we would take a family trip to the zoo this weekend. And so we did, being zoo members it's nice to just go for an hour or two...and so this was our plan.

Jack likes to go to the zoo to play in the water, and so we dressed the boys up in their swimming trunks and they put on their slip on shoes and we were ready to head out the door. Then Joey screams because I didn't pack his lunch bag, this child eats all day long, so we packed up some snacks and we were on our way.

First we had to stop for gas, and Jack loves to help pump the gas...
While Joey posed for pictures in the car.

Our family day of fun was off to a great start. The kids were happy, we were happy, I was slightly tired, but excited to take my boys to one of their favorite places. We make the turn into the zoo drive and immediately notice that the overflow parking lot is full, hmmm that is strange. We continue driving to the parking entrance were we have to wait to drive in, uh oh, what are all the cars doing here? We consider turning around and going home, but decide to stay and proceed to drive up into the grass parking area. We have only parked in the grass one other time and that was for a special event. Our zoo is never that crowded...and this is why we like to bring the boys. We gather up the boys and walk up to the entrance to the zoo...once we get past the entrance, we agree it isn't that bad.

Joey and I take Jack and John to our secret hide-away that we found on our last visit to the zoo. (That was a special trip Joey and I took, just the two of us).

We had never seen the birds and bees exhibit, and it would be closing soon, so we decided to go check that out. Both boys were excited as we made our way into the special building, and they took a picture as bees together.

Then it was time to actually enter the exhibit where the birds are. As soon as we walk through the entrance Jack screeches and turns around and runs right into me (and the camera I had around my neck). His lip is bleeding and he is very upset. We get him calm and continue into the exhibit, we approach the first tree, the birds chirping and flying around are just too much for him. My husband and I agree that we have to get him out and fast, so he stays with Joey to explore, and I make a quick dash for the door holding Jacks ears. We get to the exit and they have those big wind machines blowing wind down (a deterrent so the birds won't leave with people), that sends Jack into an even bigger panic and now he is screaming. Someone held the door open and I push Jack through and quickly go out after him. After he settles down my husband and Joey come out and I start crying. I just couldn't help it, it was too much for me... it hurts me so much to see my son go through so much pain with something that so many people get to enjoy. My husband reminds me that it was something new and that next time it won't be like that. To which I responded, I'm not putting him through that again, you weren't there the whole time.

I'm happy to report though that after Jack and I had settled down the rest of our zoo visit went quite well. We followed our typical routine, we went and sat for a snack and watched the children getting wet in the geyser. Jack thought this was so funny...

Then we made our way back to the front of the zoo for some water fun before leaving. This is Jacks favorite part of our day. Joey has fun in the water but prefers time to look at the animals.